
… to the web site of the LONDON IRISH RIFLES ASSOCIATION.

Thanks to Association Members for coming along to the Annual General Meeting/Annual Lunch, which took place on Saturday 1 June.  Despite competing attractions elsewhere in the city and some transportation dislocations, it was heartening to see so many of you at the event and we all certainly enjoyed an excellent solo piping performance from Piper Lucas Rinaldi, a recent recruit to the Band. 

A couple of weeks after the AGM, the Pipes and Drums led the Combined Irish Regiments’ parade at the Cenotaph, which took place on 16 June. A very enjoyable day indeed.

Further afield, members of the Regimental Association enjoyed a very successful pilgrimage to Italy in May to join the commemorations of the Second World War battles at the Garigliano river and Cassino during early 1944. You can view some photos of that visit to Italy here.

While great attention has rightly being given to the D-Day commemorations in Normandy, it should not be forgotten that the lads from the two battalions of the London Irish Rifles played a highly significant role in the Liberation of Rome. The Regimental Association recently joined British Embassy/Royal Irish Regiment led events at the Vatican, which included attending an audience with Pope Francis at the exact timing of the 80th anniversary of a most famous previous visit of 38 (Irish) Brigade to the Eternal City on 12 June 1944. 

Lieutenant Colonel (Retd) Ant Maher VR

Chairman of the London Irish Rifles Association


Upcoming Parade Dates:

Continue to keep in close contact with us by regularly visiting this website and coming along to one of our Parades. 

29 September 2024 – Loos Sunday at Connaught House.

10 November 2024 – Remembrance Sunday at Connaught House.

Email: membershipsec@londonirishrifles.com

How to join the Regimental Association

See photographs from recent Events


The Welfare Officer is contactable directly by eMail: webmaster@londonirishrifles.com.

The London Regiment – 1993 to 2022

Following the incorporation of the London Irish Rifles as a company of the London Regiment in 1993, men from D Company company served in The Falkland Islands, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Northern Ireland, Iraq, Afghanistan and Cyprus.

A list of London Irish Riflemen who served on Overseas Operations from 1988 to 1999 can be found here.

During Operation Telic, the company contributed to the formation of Cambrai Company (Operation Telic 3) and Messines Company (Operation Telic 4) alongside numerous individual and there were a number of small group mobilisations throughout the conflict in Iraq.

Soldiers from the company also deployed to Afghanistan with Somme Company in 2007 (Operation Herrick 7), Amiens Company in 2010 (Operation Herrick 12) and Arras Company in 2011 (Operation Herrick 13) as formed units within Guards Division formations.

In April 2024, Members of the Regimental Association were proud to join the parade for the Laying Up of the Colours of the London Regiment at the Guildhall.



On 1st May 2022, the London Regiment became 1st Battalion, London Guards and D (London Irish Rifles) Company now forms No 15 (Loos) Company, Irish Guards.

You can find an MoD link for the London Guards here


Find out more about the history of the London Irish Rifles

The Battle of Loos, September 1915.


You can contact the Band President by eMail: bandpresident@londonirishrifles.com

Read more about the Pipes and Drums of the Association


Find out more about the Museum’s activities


Our Parades take place at Connaught House, which is located in Camberwell, and easily accessible by car, bus, tube and overground train services.Find detailed directions to Connaught House